Collingwood City Junior Eagles
The Collingwood City Eagles is an inclusive, co-educational soccer program for children and young people with an intellectual or physical disability aged from 8 years through to adult (19 years and over).
We are very proud of our wonderful group of dedicated coaches, who have specific expertise in working with children of all abilities. The program is run with a focus on inclusivity, fun, positivity and developing players’ skills to their own abilities.
Program Details
2025 will be the 16th season for the Eagles .
This Season our club will have 3 teams (Junior, Youth and Senior) who participate in the Football Victoria (FV) All Abilities competition. We will also continue to run a “Training Only” Group of players who attend training, but choose not play in the FV competition.
We will commence the season with three free “Come & Try & Welcome Back” Sessions on the 22, 29 of March and 5th April.
Venue: Kevin Bartlett Reserve, Bastow 1
Time: Juniors 8-13 years : 0930am to 10:15am
Youth 14-18; Seniors 19 years and over: 1030am to 1130pm
To register your interest and more information contact Annette (Coordinator) on 0411 460 567, or email on
Season 2025
Dates: Saturday’s March 22 – September 13, 2025
Cost: $145 for 20-week season.
Costs cover FV registration, team uniform (socks, shorts and shirt), coaching, team trophy & photo and presentation day activities.
Football Victoria competition (optional): Additional charge of $40 for participants playing in the Junior League and $50 for participants playing in Youth or Senior Leagues.
You can see the rules of the game for the Football Victoria All Abilities competition by clicking on the link below.
Our Coaches
How long you've been with the Eagles? Since I arrived in Australia from the UK in 2016
What do you like the most about the Eagles? Apart from seeing all the smiles, it would have to be the fact that everyone always does their best.
Favourite club? Liverpool FC - I lived in the city the same year they won the Champions League in 2004/05
Favourite player? Zinedine Zidane, the most elegant of footballers and single-handedly beat Brazil in 2006.
Favourite pre/post match food? I like to stick around at the clubhouse for a good old bacon & egg sandwich while chatting to some of the players, parents and coaches about how much fun the session was.
How long you've been with the Eagles? Started 2012.. so this will be my 8th season (feeling old!)
What do you like the most about the Eagles? The level of enthusiasm brought by each player every Saturday morning :)
Favourite club? Manchester United - I used to wear number 11 when playing for Richmond Soccer Club, trying my best to replicate Ryan Giggs running down the wing.
Favorite player? Ryan Giggs (if you couldn't tell from my previous answer!). However, current team, I'm a big supporter of Paul Pogba.
Favourite pre/post match food? I typically head out for brunch with a group of friends after the Junior Eagles session is finished. Unfortunately for my friends, they can't get a word in as I won't stop talking about all the wonderful players we have in the Junior Eagles team!
How long you've been with the Eagles?
This is my first full season with the Eagles in 2021, but I was occasionally involved in 2019.
What do you like the most about the Eagles?
Always happy to see them enjoying the drills while also being so cooperative. I also like the parents for being so kind and supportive.
Favourite club?
Real Madrid - Been following them for 11 years now. Luckily I went to Bernabeu last February to watch them play while football was still normal :)
Favourite player?
Sergio Ramos - The charismatic leader and the GOAT. Helped us win the most awaited La Decima. Also, I played as centre back in my school team for 4 years. Team Ronaldo as well!
Favourite pre/post match food?
After the session, I usually head to the club canteen to get a sausage and Portuguese tart & watch some home games.
Contact Us
For further information on the Junior Eagles All Abilities program, please contact: Annette
Phone: +61 411 460 567